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ECE: Brower Research Guide

A place for ECE 210 students to find resources to use for their class.

APA Manual

The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Asociation is the offical guide of APA citation formatting. You can find the manual at the reference desk and in the reference section of the library's collection.

APA Presentations

PowerPoint Presentations on different aspects of APA style.

Sample APA Paper

Click the image for an informative example of a research paper with explanations of APA formatting:

More Questions? APA Resources

The Purdue OWL APA Formattting and Style Guide is another helpful resource for APA citation. In text citions (giving credit for any quotes, facts, paraphrases, or summaries in your paper) and creating a list of references.

Harvard Guide icon

The Harvard Guide to Using Sources provides excellent advice on the mechanics of citations. Great visual examples on citing various sources in MLA, APA, and Chicago.
APA Style Blog Icon

The APA Style Blog is a great resource for those hard to answer questions, like when do you use a DOI, how to cite a YouTube comment, and more.

Easybib:  enter information about your book, article, or website and Easybib will create a citation. Use code CanadaCo116 to create an account.

APA How-to Videos

Need more help?  This excellent video series by the Memorial University Libraries explains how to cite using APA in a step-by-step process.