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LING 200 Harmon

A guide to library resources for the study of linguistics.

Using Library Databases

Databases provide access to published materials in:

  • magazines
  • scholarly articles
  • newspapers
  • books
  • and other valuable sources

How to Find Articles

To Access the databases go to the library homepage:

  1. Click on the Articles tab.
  2. Click on the database name you want to access from the Browse Databases From A-Z pull down menu. 
  3. You can also search the databases by subject such as Literature.

From off campus you will need to authenticate with your library card number and pin (last for digits of your phone number).

Database Search Tips

AND requires all specified words to appear in each item
         e.g. semantics AND metaphor
OR    requires any of the specified words to appear in each item
         e.g. homograph* OR homonym* OR homophone*
NOT  excludes terms not desired
          e.g. syntactic change NOT morphological change
Combining ideas
       e.g. (dialect* OR regionalism*) AND (English language) AND (Unites States OR California OR bay area)
  •        prioritize your concepts to begin your search with the most important one
  •        consider additional concepts to use, if necessary, to reduce or expand retrieval
  •        if the database has a thesaurus, either online or print, check for suggested terms