Want to browse areas of our book collection that deal with Language and Linguistics? Check out the following call number ranges for Language Families
P - Philology, Linguistics
PA - Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature
PB - Modern languages. Celtic languages
PC - Romanic languages
PD - Germanic languages. Scandinavian languages
PE - English language
PF - West Germanic languages
PG - Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian language
PH - Uralic languages. Basque language
PJ - Oriental languages and literatures
PK - Indo-Iranian languages and literatures
PL - Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania
PM - Hyperborean, Indian, and artificial languages
Reference sources (encyclopedias, dictionaries, almanacs, atlases) are a good place to begin your research, as they provide concise introductions to topics and often cite longer, more authoritative research works on the topic. Use them to:
Tip: keep an eye out for important words and phrases to try in your keyword searches.