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COMM 110: Perez




Welcome COMM-110 

Prof. Perez's Students to

Cañada College Library!  

.Let us help you navigate through the information maze!    

How to Use This Guide

Each of the next five pages in this guide addresses a section of your assignment--in order. Click a tab in the top navigation bar to move to a new page. 

The boxes on each page provide information, and often videos, about how to answer each question in that section of the assignment.

For example, if you need help with question 2 (in the Background Information section of the assignment), you would select the Background Information link in the nav bar, then find the box containing information about questions 2-3.

Library Research Assignment

This research guide was designed to help support students with the research process when writing informative essays. 

Twenty-first century students don’t need to spend a lot of time learning how to find information, after all, many of us are online every day retrieving information and 'Googling' what we need to know.  

However, information retrieval is not research!  Research requires that you find information, of course, but it also demands much more from you.

Within the research process students also need considerable time to read the information they find, time to reflect on new information in terms of what they already know and what they are learning, and time to write multiple drafts of speeches/papers so that they can present your research as clearly, logically, and successfully as possible.

This guide offers you a set of steps to follow that will move you beyond the mere gathering of information, and into the realm of real academic research. It will help you develop a research strategy that will, with time and practice, enable you to become a more efficient researcher, saving you time and sanity.

Library services

The Cañada College Library, on the third floor of Building 9, offers computers, textbooks, technology, research help, printing, and group study rooms.

Library computers do not require you to log in and do not have a time limit so you can come and stay all day. Chromebooks, hotspots and calculators can be checked out from the circulation desk after you complete a technology loan agreement.

Search for textbooks available at the library. If you do not see your textbook, fill out the Textbook request form for students.