More common than outright plagiarism, students "patch together" thoughts in a recognizable form of writing known as "patchwriting." Instead of synthesizing one's own thoughts and writing original sentences, pieces and phrases of others' work are pieced together. Read more in this Poynter Institute article, "'Patchwriting' is more common than plagiarism, just as dishonest."
Whether students mean to plagiarize or not, the consequences of an author's words or phrasing appearing in your work can mean a failing grade on your paper, a failing grade in a class or expulsion from college.
To avoid any of these, keep careful track of where you find your sources and quotes. Use index cards or a Google doc. It doesn't matter how you keep words and ideas next to the author's name, the title of the work and page numbers.
Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s words or ideas as your own. If you don’t credit the author, you are committing a type of theft called plagiarism.
When you do research you incorporate outside sources – other people’s words and ideas – into your paper. It is important to cite these sources, whether you quote, paraphrase, or summarize their ideas.
It is plagiarism if you:
Most colleges have an Academic Integrity Policy. Consequences for plagiarism can range from failing the paper or the class to suspension from the school.
To avoiding plagiarizing:
Adapted from Western Michigan University Library's Citing Sources module.