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ECE 201: Lukas: Home

How to Get Help

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Cañada College Library Redwood City, CA
Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Friday, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Saturday, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Text Message: (650) 535-8398
Phone: (650) 306-3480

Library Services

The Cañada College Library, on the third floor of Building 9, offers computers, textbooks, technology, research help, printing, and group study rooms.

Library computers do not require you to log in and do not have a time limit so you can come and stay all day. Chromebooks, hotspots and calculators can be checked out from the circulation desk after you complete a technology loan agreement.

Search for textbooks available at the library. If you do not see your textbook, fill out the Textbook request form for students.

Library Assignment



1.     How do you get to the Library databases?


How can you do this if you’re not at school?

2.    Search the keyword “Teratogens” in Gale Virtual Reference Library.  Email yourself at least one article.  Read over your article and write down important keywords related to this topic.

      Copy and paste the APA citation for your article here:

3..    Using your keywords list, search for articles in Academic Search Premier.  Send yourself at least one article.  Write down any additional keywords you come across.

      Copy and paste the APA citation for your article here


4.       Using your keywords list, search for articles in ProQuest Science Journals.  Send yourself at least one article.  Write down any additional keywords you come across. 


      Copy and paste the APA citation for your article here:


Send yourself at least three articles.  Take some notes below about the articles you found.

Type of article


Which database(s)?

Useful for?








 Gale Virtual Reference Library







 Academic Search Premier







 ProQuest Science Journals