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Promise Scholars

Library research guide for Promise Scholars

When do you need to cite? An Illustration courtesy of EasyBib

When do you need to cite? An Illustration courtesy of EasyBib

Three ways to avoid plagiarizing

Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work or words and presenting them as your own. Plagiarism is considered the foremost academic sin and can result in a student being expelled (see Academic Integrity and Student Conduct Code). Instructors now use tools like to check for plagiarism.

The illustration on the right outlines how to avoid plagiarism by using three different ways of crediting your source:

  1. quotation marks
  2. block quotes
  3. paraphrasing.

Below are examples of quotation marks, block quotes, and paraphrasing.

Quotation marks 

Placing quotation marks around words that are not yours lets the reader know where your words end and another's begin.

Rob's mother "began attending night school to become a qualified kitchen supervisor" in order to earn enough money to send her son to private school (Hobbs ##).

Block quotes

Used for quotes of four or more lines, block quotes are indented without quotation marks.

Author Jeff Hobbs outlined Jackie Peace's belief that her son would do well thusly:

Her faith in her son's promise began with his intense interest in books, a passion that could not be taught.... These books were gateways, not just in abstractions of the mind but in real-world opportunities.


Including someone else's thoughts or ideas in your own wording gives credit to the author: 

Jackie Peace sacrificed time with her son in order to complete training for a higher paying job so she could enroll her son in private school, Hobb writes. She felt her trust was well-placed because of her son's love of books.

The citation appears in a Works Cited page as below:

Hobbs, J. The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace: A Brilliant Young Man Who Left Newark for the Ivy League. New York: Scribner, 2014.

Avoid plagiarizing by taking careful notes and by correctly citing

  • Citation
    Last Updated Oct 22, 2024 1 views this year

Tools to help you avoid plagiarizing

The plagiarism checkers and websites below can help you become a better writer.

Plagiarism exercises

Practice what you have learned about citing and avoiding plagiarism with these two exercises.