Associations on the Net - Type association name in search box or browse by subject.
Search Google for organizational websites which can provide statistics, current trends and news.
Industry classification systems are helpful when searching business databases. An industry can have more than one NAICS code. The longer the code, the more specific it is. For example:
722513 — Fast-food restaurants
7225 — Restaurants and other eating places
722 — Food services and drinking places
72 — Accommodation and food services
Find market size, industry leaders, statistics, current status, future trends, histories and profiles of the industries here. If you look up the NAICS codes for your industry first, this will be a bit easier to search the library databases.
Business Source Elite provides full-text coverage of scholarly business, management and economics journals. This collection also includes publications covering topics such as accounting, banking, finance, international business, marketing, sales, etc. In this database you will find articles from 1,000 Business Publications, over 10,000 Company Profiles, and more.
Statista statistics on everything from business, politics, society, and more. Find statistics, infographics, industry reports, industry forecasts, and more!
Provides data on 102M Businesses and 312M Consumers.
Business Insights is a unique source for international business intelligence offering the most comprehensive and convenient way to find case studies, in-depth statistical data coupled with deep research, and the ability to compare global economies, countries and industries.