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Welcome to the Cañada College Newspaper Archives

Student newspapers present a unique window into the history of your college campus and campus life. Told from the perspective of student writers and interview subjects, stories provide an important and contrasting perspective to other historical and official college documents (e.g., board of trustees' minutes). Many of the issues reported by students in the past remain of major interest today.

Digitized Newspapers

Cañada College students have produced several campus newspapers through the years. The newspaper experienced several name changes, as well as gaps in publication. 

You can read, share, download and print any of the newspapers below:

The Cañada Newspaper/The Newspaper, 1968-1972 

The Weathervane, 1973-1982

The Connection, 1982

The Long Valley Gazette, 1983-1993 

The Long Valley Times, 1996

Literary Magazines, 1970s

Search tips: Because keyword searching is not available,

1. First select the newspaper title above whose dates best correspond to the timeframe you're researching. 

2. Next, select a date folder for one academic year, such as 1972-1973.

3. Next, click on the pdf icon for the newspaper you'd like to see: 

4. Now you're ready to read, share, print, download or cite a Cañada College newspaper article.

The Long Valley Gazette

Did you know? California community colleges were free until 1984. This article reports on a Cañada student protest to raise awareness of upcoming fee hikes.